掲載希望の方 オフィスのミカタとは



会社にとって大きな時間節約、生産性向上、製品品質や顧客サポートの向上につながるものは何でしょうか? これほど大きく寄与するものとは一体全体何なのでしょうか?


ここで説明する理論は自己欺瞞と呼ばれるものです。自分が何かをしたくないときに、頭の中でそれができない理由についての話を創作してしまうのです。そして、その話が本当のことであるかのように信じ始めるのですが、真実は違うというわけです。たとえば、私は自分のチームのあるメンバーから特定の作業に3週間かかるという話を聞きました。私にはこの作業が8〜10日で完了できると分かっています。なぜ1週間も余分にかかるのでしょう? 彼女によると、周りを見渡すと誰もがあまりに忙しくて仕事を頼める雰囲気ではないため、一人で多くの作業をしなければならないと思っていたのです。





自己欺瞞はどうすれば気付けるでしょうか?簡単なことではありませんがやればできます。一番大きな要素は責任です。他人に責任をなすりつける。自分のチームがほかのメンバーに責任をなすりつける。近くの人が手伝ってくれないので何かができないなど... 以前の私は、システムを使いこなせないのは頭が悪いからだとしてユーザーに責任をなすりつけていました。製品が売れないのはあまりに時代遅れで動きの遅い企業が悪いとして責任をなすりつけていました。しかし数年が経過すると、実は問題が自分だったことを学びました。自分が周囲に対して傲慢だったのです。購買過程全体を通してのフォローやトレーニングを怠っていたのは自分だったのです。


自己欺瞞はどうすれば克服できるでしょうか? ポイントは2つあります。
1- 「なぜ」から「何を」へと会話を変える。「なぜできないのか?」は「何をすればできるのか?」に、「なぜ周りは手伝ってくれないのか?」は「何をすれば手伝ってもらえるのか?」へと変えるのです。

2- きちんとした会話をする。嘘の中に人を巻き込むと敵対意識が生まれます。大半の人は人を嘘つきとは呼びません。場合によっては両親でさえ言いません。ですからその言葉にあまり慣れることはありません。私はブラジルで育てられたため、母親も父親も嘘に対する我慢がほとんどできず、すぐに呼ばれて「勉強するって言ったのにビデオゲームで遊んでたでしょう。この成績はどう説明するの?」と叱られていました。

最初は守りに入りますが、大半の人は大人としてミスを認めて先へと進みます。泣く人や、叫ぶ人、一段と攻撃的になる人も一部にはいます。マネージャーとして、最高経営責任者(CEO)、あるいは成功を追い求める人間としては、断固たる態度を取って彼らを感情的な状況から引き戻さなければなりません。私の場合は、「過去は過去で忘れよう。さて話がよく見えたところでこれからどうしようか? 」と言うようにしています。



My column here has been about improving work speed and being able to enjoy more life. Today’s text will sound counter-intuitive to some, but it is a big time saver. Maybe the biggest time saver of all, really.

What can save the company enormous amounts of time, improve productivity, and even improve product quality and customer support? What in the world can do so much?

It is a change in the behavior that all of us do. Several times a day. We need to stop lying to ourselves. And we also need to cut off the lies of the people around us. This is a brutally honest type of approach to management. We will make several people cry in the process, but after they cross that barrier, we will grow a stronger and more resilient team. No Pain, no Gain.

The theory here is called self-deception. We don’t want to do something, and our mind creates a story about why we could not do it. And we start believing in that story like it was a fact, but it is not. For example, one of my team members told me it would take them three weeks to do a particular task. I know that this task can be accomplished in 8-10 days. Why an extra week? She told me that she had to do a lot of things alone because when she looked around, everyone was so busy that she could not bother them.

In summary, she did not ask for help and said that nobody was available. She created that story in her mind, but that was a lie. Right after she said that, we contacted the designer, and he had the next whole two days actually without any important task, therefore 100% available for her project. Instead of 10 days, it took 12, still better than the 21 that she had estimated.

Why did she lie? She was not conscious that she was lying. In her mind, she believes her story 100%. Until I pushed on the flaws of it. She was able to deliver it faster and saved the company nine days. Imagine this was a more significant project, one that takes months to happen, one conversation that can save a company months of work.

Let me bring another example: one of our designers did a hideous design the other day. When I confronted him, he said: "But that was what the marketing asked me to do!” He blamed someone else. The correct would have been for him to ask more questions from the marketing person and understand the logic behind the request. The marketing person wanted him to adapt the design to a more simple type of user, so she requests for him not to make a cool design, to make some less cool, a little outdated. For sure, her request was terrible, but as a designer, he should have made questions until being able to get the user right and not only do an ugly design that would have an impact on our brand.

We do this in our personal lives too. I will give you a very personal example: I have a 1-year-old daughter that wakes up every night for extra milk. Sometimes I am just so tired that when she cries, I know I should wake up and help, but instead of doing that, I fake that I did not listen and stay still. At that moment, I might start to blame my wife: "She is a stay at home mom now and not working, so is her responsibility." "I am just so tired to make money for the house that this is the least she can do, let me sleep to perform well tomorrow.” All lies. The truth is that I should wake up and help too.

How to detect self-deception? It is not that easy, but it is doable. The main component is blame. When we blame others when our team members blame the others. When they say that they could not achieve something because another close person did not help. I used to blame the users for not being smart enough to use our system. I used to blame some companies who did not buy our product for being too old fashioned and slow. But after a few years, I learned that the problem was me. I was the one being arrogant to them. I was the one not willing to follow with them through the whole buying process and to train them.

After I sold that product to another company, they already went over our sales figures for a year in just a few months: the same product, no blame culture.

What should you do to overcome self-deception? There are 2 points.
1- Change the conversation from Why to What. “Why I can’t do it?” Should become “What can I do to achieve it?” / “Why the other person does not help me?” Should become “What can I do to get that person’s help.”

2- HARD conversations. Calling people in their lies creates tension. Most people don’t call people on their lies; sometimes, not even our parents do it. So people don’t get used to it. Being raised in Brazil, my mom and dad had very little patience for our lies and called us out very quickly. “You said you were going to study, but you played video games, what is your excuse for this grade?”

People will get defensive at first, but as adults, most people admit their mistakes and go forward. Some people will cry; they might shout; they might become even aggressive. As a manager, as a CEO or success seeker, you have to keep yourself firm and bring them back from that emotional state. My way of doing that is saying: "That is the past. That is gone now. What are the next actions now that we see things more transparent? “

WelcomeHR is born from that learning. We are a better team and a better company now because of this practice. It still hurts to have that conversation internally, but we get better results and happier clients. We try to create a culture of support that differentiates you as a person from your job. That way, we can criticize your work without your self-confidence getting hurt. You can subscribe to our mailing list here, www.welcomehr.jp, to receive more info about how our culture works and evolves.

Well, it is an eternal struggle with the team and with yourself. But if you decide to go in this direction, I will be there supporting you. You can message me directly, and I will send you a video of me praising you for your courage.