

今月は、私が去年の一年間に読んだ中で一番魅力的だと思った本について話そう。Kindle ライブラリによると、私が去年読んだ本の数は65冊。一週間に1冊ちょっとの割合だ。その中で一番気に入ったのが、「A Beautiful Constraint」(制約、この素敵なもの)だった。altMBA[リーダー層向けの集中型オンラインワークショップ]の人たちがクラスの前に読むよう勧めてくれた本で、もう大好きになってしまった。


これを読まれている方はTOC(Theory of Constraint、「制約条件の理論」)のことを聞いたことがあるかもしれない。私が今言っているのは、TOCのことではない。TOCでは、何がチームの機能を邪魔しているのか、最も弱い部分は何なのかを分析する。TOCでは、あなたの最も弱い部分が、全体の強さを決定づけると考えられている。その弱い部分を強化したら次の弱点に移行して、問題をひとつひとつ解決していく。私が今お話ししようとしているのはそれではない。




「ネタフィムのように、制約に直面して野心を小さくしたりしない人々こそ、制約を素敵なものに変える方法を最も発見しやすいのです」― モーガン&バーデン


1- 過去と決別する



2- 駆り立てる問いかけをしていく

大事なのは、 あなたに前向きな考え方をさせるような質問を問いかけていくこと。たとえば、[Googleの共同創業者・元CEO]ラリー・ペイジは、Googleに「10x questions 」[これまでの対処法の10倍のインパクトを持つ答えを求める質問]という一連の質問を与えている。Googleは、Google X と呼ばれる新しい部署まで作って、その質問に取り組んでいる。質問は例えば次のようなものだ:自動車事故を減らすにはどうするか?事故の90パーセントが人的エラーによるものだが、どうすれば人的な要因を自動車に関する諸要素から取り除くことができるだろうか?



これはあなたが会議などで行う会話に深く関連している点。重要なのは、「私たちにはできない、なぜなら」を止めて、「もしこうであれば私たちはできる」へと変えること。 「政府から許可を得るのに時間がかかりすぎるから、間に合わせるのは無理です」と言う代わりに、「政府の許可を既に受けているパートナーを見つければ、間に合わせられます」という言い方をするべき。会話がポジティブで活力を持ち、新しいアイデアへと開かれたものになる。


4- 豊かさを創り出す






Use Constraints to propel you forward.

This month I will talk about the most beautiful book I read this whole year. And according to my Kindle Library, I read 65 books this year. A little more than 1 per week. Inside all of those, "A Beautiful Constraint" won as my favorite. It was recommended to me by the AltMBA team, for me to read before class start. And I fell in love with it.

People tend to think of constraints as limitations. A constraint is something that has a very negative impact on our lives and in our business.

If you ever heard of the TOC, the theory of constraint, this is NOT what I am talking about this time. In the Theory of Constraint, you analyze what is holding your team back, what is the weakest link. In TOC, you are just as strong as your weakest link. So once you strengthen that area, you go to the next one, fixing your problems one by one. I am talking about something different.

What I am talking about is how you can use constraints to your advantage as a pillar of inspiration. A fascinating story to explain is the Mario character from Nintendo. With the limited number of pixels they had in their Famicon console, Shigeru Miyamoto had a significant challenge to create the main character of the game. So to be able to separate the arms from the body, he made the clothes like a jumper. To create the illusion of a mouth, he added a mustache. The whole plumber story came later. He played inside the constraints and was able to create one of the most recognizable characters of pop culture.

What researchers Adam Morgan and Mark Barden discovered is that it is all related to your mindset. If motivation is low, people tend to use constraint as an anchor that holds them back. Instead of aiming for higher things, they will adjust their goals inside the constraint. At the same time, under the same situation, people with high motivation will create innovative solutions and achieve even more because of the constraint.

An example that Morgan and Barden offered was how the small farmers from Israel developed the irrigation system company Netafim. Israel lacks enough water to do farming in the same way as we do in Asia or people do in Brazil. But if you ever search online, Israel is one the highest performing regarding farming in the world. The owners of Netafim developed a new drip irrigation system that uses less water, and it is more effective than sprinklers or other traditional irrigation methods. Now Netafim is expanding globally and already working with the Indian government to improve their farming. They could have just said: this is as much as we get and scale back their ambitions to the amount of water they could use under the old methods.

"Those who refuse to scale back ambition in the face of a constraint, like Netafim, are the ones most likely to find a way to make the constraint beautiful" Morgan&Barden.

Now that we understood that ambition is important, I am going to guide you through the stages to change your mindset as well.

1- Break with your past

Whatever you are doing now, it was built and molded by your past. We tend to victimize ourselves based on past situations and behaviors. When I was at SONY VAIO, sometimes a high-level boss would say something like: "We should do this, because we did it in the past and it worked." Well, Sony sold VAIO at the beginning of 2014, and I firmly believe it was that "lock" in the past success that was holding them from developing new strategies for the future.

The way to break from your path dependence is questioning behaviors and processes. What are the principles behind this decision or this process that we are implementing? Why are we doing things this way?

2- Ask Propelling Questions

The point is to ask questions that will force you have forward-thinking. Larry Page, for example, brings to google the 10x questions. They even created a whole new department called Google X to work on those. One of the questions was: How to reduce car accidents? Being that 90% of accidents are human error, how can we take the human out of the equation in a car?

Another great example is when the head of the product at Ikea got asked to create a table that costs only 5 euro and still makes a profit. None of the old thinking will give you that answer. None of your current processes won't give you a solution, either. You have to start creating and do problem-solving. For Ikea, that answer was to cut a door they had in two parts and sell as a table.

3- Can-if. Finding solutions to constraint-driven problems

It is a lot related to the conversation you are bringing to the table. The key is to stop "We can't because" and move to "We can if so and so." Instead of saying, "We can't make it that way because it would take too much time to get authorization from the government," the phrase should be, "We can make it if we find a partner who already has the government authorization." The conversation becomes a positive one, oxygenated, and open for new ideas.

One example that I can identify with is the Airbnb story. They were a small startup struggling to increase adoption. They learned that most users were making decisions based on photos. But their community lacked cameras or the skills to photograph interiors at their best. The solution was to create a database of photographers, first from their renting community, that would gather local photographers and hobbyists to take pictures. "We can offer great photos for each accommodation if we use other people's skills as photographers, people from our community."

4- Creating Abundance

The point here is to become a resourceful person. What does that mean? In this case, the ability to see and access from others the abundance that they have, and we need. Most people tend to think their resources are given to them. They tend to accept the limits of those resources as their reality. They said, "We can't do this because my boss does not give me the budget," or "We don't know anyone with those skills, so we can't do it."

Resourceful people see potential sources of resources all around us. Stakeholders, External partners, Resource Owners, and even our direct competition can be a place of resource. To create the abundance, you have to look for a "shared agenda" and "recognize they lack something we have in abundance." Most of the strategic partnerships are that way, so it might not seem new, but once you understand that principle, you can start to look for new resources everywhere.

A great example is Virgin Airlines that noticed their particular location in Silicon Valley. They wanted to increase PR and used their route together with other brands to promote for the tech-savvy people from the region. For example, they partnered with Victoria Secret for a pajama party in a plane and not only got conventional media coverage but directly reached out to the bloggers and other influencers from Silicon Valley.

People who can look over the constraints and keep their ambitions high are more likely to win in innovation and this ever-changing world of business. What is the process you are currently on? What is your 10X ambitious goal? Are you talking, Can't, or Can-if? Which unexplored resources does your company have?

I started Motify KK from zero. As a foreigner, I had no connections, no money and no experience as an entrepreneur. Until we create WelcomeHR, it has been a long journey, but I used my constraint of being a foreigner here to create a strong IT team. Since for IT we don't need to speak Japanese. I also partner with companies with the same target client for distribution. I feel I created my business little by little over my constraints. If you want to talk about yours or want to partner with us, I would be very glad. Let's increase our resourcefulness together!!!