
*この文章の科学的事実はすべてダニエル・ピンク著『When 完璧なタイミングを科学する』から引用しています。

When should I do what? How to create a high-performance routine at work.
*all the scientific facts on this text were taken from the book When, by Daniel Pink
Everyone got affected by the Corona Virus, and suddenly our routines got scrambled. Working from home made me miss my meditation time, my reading time, and my exercise time. Instead of my usual bento and snacks, I had to match my kid's sleeping schedules and my wife's working pace. I felt this was a great time to review my routine and create a new one. But now the Corona crisis is close to an end, and I see myself having to commute in a mixed schedule. Which also makes my new routine plans useless.
I went into research mode and remembered the circadian rhythm. This research started in 1729 and still has several new academic papers every year. We all know that the human body follows a biological clock. Most humans tend to sleep at night, feel hungry in the morning, feel sleepy around 2~3pm, etc. Turns out, our brains also work together with those cycles.
What happens when we try to match our biological cycles with work to achieve the best performance? When should we do what?
The overall cycle that most people live in:
Most people have a rush of energy in the morning, a slow down after lunch and early Afternoon, a raise in the Early Evening, and a slow down at night. Turns out, this is not only in humans but overall on animals waken at daylight. The idea is that in the morning, you are active in finding food. There is some processing food time after lunch, then you have to have the energy to go home and hide from predators during the night.
One disclaimer here is that there is a portion of the population who are "night owls." According to Roenneberg's research, around 21% of the community. They have a different cycle. The academic assumption is that some people had to stay awake at night to take care of the group or the tribe in ancient times. By natural selection, we chose those "night owls" to work at night, and their descendants came with the same DNA. There is also 14% of the population who are Larks. They are actually super early-birds. Those people have their mid-sleep around 3am and have their cycles earlier than the other groups.
Ok, so how this affect my work?
Morning is the time for creative and heavy thinking work.
If you start researching high achievers, you will learn that most of them are early risers. Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, wakes up around 4h30 every day. The reason for that is to extend the time you can spend with the morning energy. Mornings are great for creative work. For literally getting things done.
I am writing this text in the morning. You can do complex thinking, and also, people tend to be more positive. If you are a salesperson, you will want to get all your meetings in the morning. The chance to close is way higher since the customers will be more positive than anything showed at them.
Take a break in the Afternoon.
It is scientifically proven that a siesta will improve your mood, cognitive abilities, and, therefore, your performance at work. In Brazil, some companies have decompression rooms with places where people can nap or just slow down. Indeed's office in Tokyo, close to Meguro station, has a place like that too. I can't vouch for my family performance, but my dad used to work for a bank, and his working time used to be 8h-12h 14h-18h. He would go home, have lunch with us, literally take a 20~30min nap, and go back refreshed to work.
Afternoon 13h-16h is an excellent time to answer emails, support the team, review other people's work. Work that has a lower priority on your day.
Late Evening there is another burst of energy for you to do meetings.
For most people, this is the time to make decision meetings, do interviews with employees, get your team around, and prepared for the next day. Late Evening is excellent for insights too. So it is also an excellent time to attend online seminars, read books related to work, and discuss topics.
Here is your time-hack schedule, according to Daniel Pink.

I know that I am a Lark. I have been since a kid, waking up a little before 6h and now still waking up around 5h30. If your mid-sleep point is around 3h~3h30am, you are a Lark. The night-own has the mid-sleep around 5h30am. Somewhere between that, you are like most of us.
What about you? What is your best schedule? When do you have your best performance?