


あなたが 手術のために病院に行き、医者が今日はその気にならないせいで手術が遅れてしまったとしましょう。彼は機嫌が悪かったのです。






1- 彼らのほとんどは在宅勤務です。彼らはそこで仕事をすることができます。しかし、そこには常に課題があり、誰も簡単だとは言っていません。彼らはどうやって対処しているのでしょう?

2- ルーチン。成功した作家は、外出するような服装をします。彼らは毎日同じ時間に席に着きます。彼らは同じ時間に食べ、同じ時間に閉業します。同じ時間に運動し、同じ時間に犬を連れ出します。ルーチンは、一日中の選択肢を減らすための集中時間のスピードアップには欠かせないものです。

3- 静かに、気が散ることなく仕事をします。彼らは、たとえそれが奥の小さな物置であっても、閉じた空間で仕事をします。リビングルームやキッチンで仕事をするのは稀です。偶然であっても、テレビや食べ物が彼らの心に物語をもたらし、道から逸れてしまいます。

4- 「ネタ切れ」は神話です。多くの場合、彼らは白紙のページに直面しなければならず、するとそのページは見つめ返してきます。非常に生産的な作家は、アイデアの文脈を無視することから始めるか、またはちょうど自分自身に話しているように何でも思いついたものから始めます。そうすると勢いが出てきて、1時間もしないうちに、仕事の調子がもとに戻ります。

5- 短い休暇を取る。ニール・ガイマンとダニエル・ピンクは別の毛色をした作家です。しかし、二人とも休暇を取り、たまにはホテルの一室で仕事をします。ガイマンは、ホテルの部屋は退屈なおかげで、ただ退屈しているよりも仕事の方が良いという状態になると言います。

6- メンタルトレーニング。瞑想や一人で考える時間、または日記などです。成功している作家は、平凡な問題のほとんどをどかして、仕事に焦点を当てる方法を持っています。私は日記を書くことが大好きですが、毎日の練習を書き続けることは難しいです。そのため私は瞑想にもっと集中しています。瞑想は一日に大体2〜3度、およそ5〜7分やります。その5分はいつも数時間の節約になります。そのおかげで、優先順位の低いことをするのではなく、今最も重要なタスクに集中することができます。



1- レースを完走する (ドク・リバーズより)


3- プレッシャーにさらされていることは特権です。(ドク・リバーズより)

4- 間違いは避けられないが、それに自分を定義させてはいけない(パトリック・ムラトグルーより)








11 Hints on how to be a better professional. Lessons from successful writers and sports coaches.

The point of the professional is doing it anyway, no matter how you feel.

Imagine you go into a hospital for surgery to get it delayed because your surgeon didn't feel like it today. He was in a bad mood.

Or imagine you needed to do a bank transfer, but the clerk was a little lazy and told you to come back tomorrow.

In everyday office life, those are common situations. A design is not on time because the designer had to work from home and got easily distracted. A marketing proposal is not on time because the person who needed to do it had a fight at home with her husband and decided she was not in the mood to do it.

Then you get to the apologies that are just excuses for being a lazy professional.

I say that because I was there before. I had all the stories of why things didn't work out, but I had a few stories on why it would work. Or how I pushed it through and did the work.

I am a big consumer of books, mangas, comics. So when one of my favorite writers is in an interview, it gets my attention. I started to look at their work patterns, and something ubiquitous showed up.

1- Most of them work from home. They can get the work done there. But there is always a struggle; nobody said it was easy. How do they fight it?

2- Routine. Successful writers will dress like they would go out. They will sit at their desks at the same time every day. They will eat at the same time and close at the same time. They will exercise at the same time and take the dog out at the same time. Routine is an essential part of speeding up concentration time to reduce choices throughout the day.

3- Work in silence and with few distractions. They will work from closed spaces, even if it is a small storage room in the back, rarely from the living room or the kitchen. Even by accident, TV and food will bring stories to their mind that will diverge them from their path.

4- Out of ideas is a myth. A lot of times, they have to face the blank page, and it stares back. The very productive writers start by throwing ideas out of context, or whatever comes to their mind as they are just talking to themselves. That generates momentum, and in less than an hour, they are back on track with their work's progress.

5- Taking small work retreats. Neil Gaiman and Daniel Pink are writers of a different kind. But they both take retreats and will work out of a hotel room once in a while. Gaiman says that a hotel room's boredom puts him in a state that work is better than just being bored.

6- Mental training. Being it meditation, time to think alone, or a journal. The successful writers have a way to take most of their mundane problems out of the way and focus on the work. I love journaling, but it is hard for me to keep writing a daily practice. So I focus more on the meditation, which I do maybe 2,3 times a day for about 5-7 minutes. Those 5 minutes always save me a few hours. Because of it, I can refocus on the most important task right now instead of doing something low priority.

Do you want more hints about it? Ok. Netflix just released this month a new documentary series with five chapters only. Each episode they interview a professional sports coach who was able to create winning teams.

There are a lot of lessons around the series. I will bring a few that are related to professional work.

1- Finish the race (by Doc Rivers)
This means going all in, going until you close the chapter. There will be a lot of times when we will want to quit. But we also know deep down that we need to go till the end. Submit the results. Face the client and say sorry. Go until the end.

2- Growth happens outside of your comfort zone. (by Dawn Staley)
Nobody who is comfortable accomplishes anything. If you feel that something is strange, that you are not sure you are in the right place, that you might not be good enough for the job. Good. This is where growth happens. This is where you should be.

3- Being under pressure is a privilege. (by Doc Rivers)
Most people run from the challenges. They don't want to be in a position of pressure. But pressure is a privilege. It means people depend on you; it means that you can achieve something. It means you are in a place where just a few people can be—an area in which you can make a difference.

4- Mistakes are inevitable, but don't let them define you. (by Patrick Mouratoglou)
You may have gotten angry with a customer, lost the deadline of an important project, did something stupid. You have to own it, for sure, but you don't have to hold onto it. That was you that day, but today you are different. Most of the days, you treat people well, you get work on time, and people like working with you. You are what you do every day and not what you did once. Focus on the positive.

5- if you are prepared for the worst, you are prepared. (by Jose Mourinho)
This is about mental training on how to handle the pressure. This is a technique also commonly used by executive coaches in the Fear setting. You imagine the worst possible scenario and prepare for it in advance. Now everything else that will show up is less scary.

I hope I can help you become a better professional. One that people can count on.

At WelcomeHR we try to take the work out of you as much as possible, so you can focus on what really matters. The people around you.

Go and make a dent in the world.