掲載希望の方 オフィスのミカタとは




● あなた自身が古いタイプの人間だから。
● 周りが古いタイプの人間だから。
● 上司が古いタイプの人間だから。
● 会社が古い体質だから。

● どうしてデータが検索できるようにしたくないのか?
● どうして自動入力機能を使って作業を早くしたくないのか?
● どうして印刷にお金をかけるのか?
● どうしてオフィスのどこかにあるが探し当てられないフォルダに全ての書類を収納するのか?
● どうして全てのデータがオンラインにあるにも関わらず、顧客や従業員といった他の人に印刷、手書きや郵送の手間を負担させるのか?






1- 自分の仕事を早く、より快適に進めるため、デジタル化に自己投資する。(私のイチオシ)

2- 異なるフォーマットでの仕事は断る。

3- パフォーマンスの低い環境下では働けない、と退職も辞さない。

4- 競合会社が使用しているソフトウェアのリストを作る。

5- 諦めない。全ての会議でこの話題を出す。
時として、粘り強さは説得の鍵となる。上長や他のチームメンバーは「予算がない」とか「プロセスの変更コスト高すぎる」と主張し続けるかもしれない。しかし、上司が変わり、チームメンバーも変わり、予算は変更され、そして時として一番期待していない時に望んだものが手に入ることもある。重要なのは自分の意見を主張すること。周りの人はあなたの欲しいものを知らなければ、それが何かを考えることさえしない。ブラジルには次のようなことわざがある。『泣かないと、母親から母乳はもらえない 。(Quem n?o chora n?o mama)』


It is not about Paperless, it is about efficiency! How to convince your boss and your company to change.

Ok, so let's talk about efficiency!

An old trend in discussing efficiency is "paperless". But most people are still not adapting to that behavior. Why is that so?

I will make a list of reasons:
● You are old
● They are old
● The boss is old
● The company is old

Let me tell you something. A few years ago, I used to believe that paperless was not a trend, but the only and obvious choice.
● Why would you not want to have your data searchable?
● Why would you not want to do things faster with auto-fill functions?
● Why would you like to pay more for printing?
● Why would you like to store all those documents into a folder almost untraceable somewhere in the office?
● Why would you put a burden on someone on the other side, your client or employee, to push them into this cycle of printing, writing by hand, and posting at the mail? Especially when you already have all this data online?

I can keep explaining the reasons for this all day. Don't take me wrong: I love paper. Sometimes, to test a design, I will print 30, sometimes 50 pages at once to be able to review the whole flow of the service spatially.

Also, taking notes on paper is great for focus. It is still the most silent media I can get. While thinking, I don't get interrupted by messages and tweets. I love to write my thoughts by hand.

Now, something that bothers me, as a fan of Japanese technology, is how slow the country has adapted to those standards. The market, Japanese companies, might tell me a story that they believe in having those documents in paper format is faster to review. Or they will say to me that their staff is just used to it. Or the one I most hate, it is because it always has been done this way.

The whole paperless thing is not actually to kill paper. We should stop using this word paperless; it gives the wrong impression. We should not be running from something but focusing on achieving the most efficient work with the least effort possible, and that is what digitalization brings.

So how can we bring more digitalization to our own companies when all the people around are just lazy to do it? I will give you a few hints:

1- Spend the money on the digitalization from your wallet, make the work faster, more comfortable for you. (My favorite)
Use the rest of your time to watch YouTube videos of cats or to make more fantastic work and win a new position of trust. There are millions of ways to spend your time better than to do it the old way. Paying from your wallet will also show commitment. Hard for the boss or CEO to not appreciate it.

2- Start denying work in a different format.
I, for example, deny anyone who sends me an invoice on paper. I explain in some subtle way: if you want to get paid, send me a pdf. I also refuse to receive printed sales documents, if you created that powerpoint that you are giving me in a print format, I want the powerpoint. If you give me this block of sales material, all of it will go to the garbage right in front of you. You are training people to work with you on your terms. You can also try to explain that you are recently working remotely in shared offices and you don't have a place to store all those documents.
Sometimes when they ask for the paper from my side, I say: I have the PDF. I never do FAX, and I might lose a client over this. Still, if this client is using FAX as his primary communication method, I do not want to have him around in any case.

3- Threaten to quit under those conditions of low performance.
Explain that you feel stupid and that your family and friends are making fun of you for working in this old style. Tell your boss that you are thinking about moving to a more modern place where they use the latest tools so you can speed up work. People have little idea of how much power they have in the job market in Japan nowadays. It is tough to hire new people, so the company will make the extra effort to keep you there and buy that 15,000円/ month software that you need to do your work fast.

4- Make a list of software that your competitor is using.
Tell your boss that your team will never be able to compete with XYZ competitors since they are using the most advanced tools. And your team is still at the stone age. Some people love competition, and Japanese companies like to do what is working at another company. In other countries, this tactic might not work, but in Japan, it is a great strategy.

5- Don't give up. Keep bringing the topic at EVERY meeting.
Sometimes persistence is the key to sell a concept successfully. Your superior or other team members might keep telling you there is no budget, or that the cost of changing a process is too high. But bosses changes, team members changes, budgets vary, and sometimes you get what you request when you least expect. The point here is to voice yourself. If the people around you do not know what you want, they will never try to guess it either. In Brazil, we have a saying: "if you don't cry, you don't get breastmilk from your mom" (Quem n?o chora n?o mama).

At WelcomeHR, we are always trying to focus on the max results with the least amount of effort possible. Instead of sending one contract at a time, let's allow our clients to send 1000 employee contracts at once. Instead of asking for documents in paper format, let's allow people to upload pictures of their documents. We always keep asking ourselves how to improve results, instead of keeping things the way they are. We ALWAYS ask "the why" of a process and review it every six months.